WebGL2 is nearly 100% backward compatible with WebGL1. If you only use WebGL1 features then then there are only 2 major differences.
You use "webgl2"
instead of "webgl"
when calling getContext
var gl = someCanvas.getContext("webgl2");
Note: there is no “experimental-webgl2”. The browser vendors got together and decided not to continue prefixing things because websites get dependent on the prefix.
Many extensions are a standard part of WebGL2 and so not available as extensions.
For example Vertex Array Objects OES_vertex_array_object
is a
standard feature of WebGL2. So for example in WebGL1 you’d do this
var ext = gl.getExtension("OES_vertex_array_object");
if (!ext) {
// tell user they don't have the required extension or work around it
} else {
var someVAO = ext.createVertexArrayOES();
In WebGL2 you’d do this
var someVAO = gl.createVertexArray();
Because it just exists.
That being said, to take advantage of most WebGL2 features you’ll need to make some changes.
The biggest change is you should upgrade your shaders to GLSL 3.00 ES. To do that the first line of your shaders needs to be
#version 300 es
NOTE: THIS HAS TO BE THE FIRST LINE! No comments and no blank lines before it are allowed.
In other words, this is bad
// BAD!!!! +---There's a new line here!
// BAD!!!! V
var vertexShaderSource = `
#version 300 es
This is bad, too
<!-- BAD!! V<- there's a new line here
<script id="vs" type="notjs">
#version 300 es
This is good
var vertexShaderSource = `#version 300 es
This is good, too
<script id="vs" type="notjs">#version 300 es
Or you could make your shader compiling functions strip the first blank lines.
There are several changes you’ll need to make to your shaders on top of adding the version string above.
-> in
In GLSL 100 you might have
attribute vec4 a_position;
attribute vec2 a_texcoord;
attribute vec3 a_normal;
In GLSL 300 es that becomes
in vec4 a_position;
in vec2 a_texcoord;
in vec3 a_normal;
to in
/ out
In GLSL 100 you might declare a varying in both the vertex and fragment shaders like this
varying vec2 v_texcoord;
varying vec3 v_normal;
In GLSL 300 es in the vertex shader the varyings become
out vec2 v_texcoord;
out vec3 v_normal;
And in the fragment shader they become
in vec2 v_texcoord;
in vec3 v_normal;
In GLSL 100 your fragment shader would set the special
variable gl_FragColor
to set the output of the shader.
gl_FragColor = vec4(1, 0, 0, 1); // red
In GLSL 300 es you declare your own output variable and then set it.
out vec4 myOutputColor;
void main() {
myOutputColor = vec4(1, 0, 0, 1); // red
Note: You can pick any name you want but names can not start with
so you can’t just make out vec4 gl_FragColor
-> texture
etc.In GLSL 100 you’d get a color from a texture like this
uniform sampler2D u_some2DTexture;
uniform samplerCube u_someCubeTexture;
vec4 color1 = texture2D(u_some2DTexture, ...);
vec4 color2 = textureCube(u_someCubeTexture, ...);
In GLSL 300 es the texture functions automatically know
what to do based on the sampler type. So now, it’s just
uniform sampler2D u_some2DTexture;
uniform samplerCube u_someCubeTexture;
vec4 color1 = texture(u_some2DTexture, ...);
vec4 color2 = texture(u_someCubeTexture, ...);
In WebGL1 many features were optional extensions. In WebGL2 all of the following are standard features:
(EXT_frag_depth)in WebGL1 textures that were not a power of 2 could not have mips. In WebGL2 that limit is removed. Non-power of 2 textures work exactly the same as power of 2 textures.
In WebGL1 to check for support for rendering to a floating point texture
you would first check for and enable the OES_texture_float
extension, then
you’d create a floating point texture, attach it to a framebuffer, and call
to see if it returned gl.FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE
In WebGL2 you need to check for and enable EXT_color_buffer_float
or else
will never return gl.FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE
a floating point texture.
Note that this is also true for HALF_FLOAT
framebuffer attachments as well.
If you’re curious, this was a bug in the WebGL1 spec. What happened is that WebGL1 shipped and
was added, and it was just assumed the correct way to use it for rendering was to create a texture, attach it to a framebuffer, and check its status. Later someone pointed out that according to the spec that was not enough because the spec says colors written in a fragment shader are always clamped to 0 to 1.EXT_color_buffer_float
removes that clamping restriction, but since WebGL had already been shipping for a year or so it would have broken many web sites to enforce the restriction. For WebGL2 they were able to fix it and so now you must enableEXT_color_buffer_float
to use floating point textures as framebuffer attachments.NOTE that AFAIK, as of March 2017 very few mobile devices support rendering to floating point textures.
Of all the features above the one feature I personally think you should always ALWAYS use is vertex array objects. Everything else really depends on what you’re trying to do but vertex array objects in particular seem like a basic feature that should always be used.
In WebGL1 without vertex array objects all the data about attributes was global WebGL state. You can imagine it like this
var glState = {
attributeState: {
attributes: [
{ enable: ?, size: ?, type: ?, normalize: ?, stride: ?, offset: ?, buffer: ?, },
{ enable: ?, size: ?, type: ?, normalize: ?, stride: ?, offset: ?, buffer: ?, },
{ enable: ?, size: ?, type: ?, normalize: ?, stride: ?, offset: ?, buffer: ?, },
{ enable: ?, size: ?, type: ?, normalize: ?, stride: ?, offset: ?, buffer: ?, },
{ enable: ?, size: ?, type: ?, normalize: ?, stride: ?, offset: ?, buffer: ?, },
{ enable: ?, size: ?, type: ?, normalize: ?, stride: ?, offset: ?, buffer: ?, },
{ enable: ?, size: ?, type: ?, normalize: ?, stride: ?, offset: ?, buffer: ?, },
{ enable: ?, size: ?, type: ?, normalize: ?, stride: ?, offset: ?, buffer: ?, },
Calling functions like gl.vertexAttribPointer
, gl.enableVertexAttribArray
, and
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, ??)
would affect that global state.
Before each thing you wanted to draw you needed to setup all the attributes, and if you
were drawing indexed data you needed to set the ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER
With Vertex Array Objects that entire attributeState
above becomes a Vertex Array.
In other words
var someVAO = gl.createVertexArray();
Makes a new instance of the thing above called attributeState
This is equivalent to
glState.attributeState = someVAO;
What that means is that you should setup all of your attributes at init time now.
// at init time
for each model / geometry / ...
var vao = gl.createVertexArray()
for each attribute
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, bufferForAttribute);
if indexed geometry
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, indexBuffer);
Then at render time to use a particular geometry all you need to do is
In WebGL1 the init loop above would have appeared at render time. This is a HUGE speed up!
There are a few caveats though:
attribute locations are program dependent.
If you’re going to use the same geometry with multiple programs, consider manually assigning attribute locations. In GLSL 300 es you can do this in the shader.
For example:
layout(location = 0) in vec4 a_position;
layout(location = 1) in vec2 a_texcoord;
layout(location = 2) in vec3 a_normal;
layout(location = 3) in vec4 a_color;
Sets the locations of the 4 attributes.
You can also still do it the WebGL1 way by calling
before calling gl.linkProgram
For example:
gl.bindAttribLocation(someProgram, 0, "a_position");
gl.bindAttribLocation(someProgram, 1, "a_texcoord");
gl.bindAttribLocation(someProgram, 2, "a_normal");
gl.bindAttribLocation(someProgram, 3, "a_color");
This means you can force them to be compatible across multiple shader programs. If one program doesn’t need all attributes, the attributes they do need will still be assigned to the same locations.
If you don’t do this you’ll need different VAOs for different shader programs when using the same geometry OR you’ll need to just do the WebGL1 thing and not use VAOs and always setup attributes at render time, which is slow.
NOTE: of the 2 methods above I’m leaning toward using
because it’s easy to have it in one
place in my code whereas the method of using layout(location = ?)
to be in all shaders, so in the interest of D.R.Y., gl.bindAttribLocation
seems better. Maybe if I was using a shader generator then there’d be no difference.
Always unbind the VAO when you’re done
This just comes from my own experience. If you look above,
state is part of a Vertex Array.
So, I ran into this issue. I created some geometry, then
I created a VAO for that geometry and set up the attributes
. I then created some more
geometry. When that geometry setup its indices, because
I still had the previous VAO bound setting up, the indices
binding for the previous
VAO. It took me several hours to debug.
So, my suggestion is to never leave a VAO bound if you’re done
with it. Either immediately bind the next VAO you’re going
to use, or bind null
if you’re done.
As mentioned at the top, many extensions from WebGL1 are standard features of WebGL2, so if you were using extensions in WebGL1, you’ll need to change your code to not use them as extensions in WebGL2. See below.
Two that need special care though:
and floating point textures.
Floating point textures are a standard feature of WebGL2 but:
Being able to filter floating point textures is still an extension: OES_texture_float_linear
Being able to render to a floating point texture is an extension: EXT_color_buffer_float
Creating a floating point texture is different. You must use one of the new WebGL2 internal
formats like RGBA32F
, R32F
, etc. This is different than the WebGL1 OES_texture_float
extension in which the internal format was inferred from the type
passed to texImage2D
and depth textures.
Similar to the previous difference, to create a depth texture in WebGL2 you must use one of
WebGL2’s internal formats: DEPTH_COMPONENT16
, whereas the WebGL1
extension used DEPTH_COMPONENT
That’s my personal short list of things to be aware of when switching from WebGL1 to WebGL2. There’s even more stuff you can do in WebGL2, though.