If you previously read webglfundamentals.org there are some differences that you should be aware of.
On webglfundamentals.org nearly all scripts are stored
in non-javascript <script>
<script id="vertexshader" type="not-js">;
var vertexShaderSource = document.querySelector("#vertexshader").text;
On webgl2fundamentals.org I’ve switched to using multiline template literals.
var vertexShaderSource = `
Multiline template literals are supported on all WebGL capable browsers except IE11. If you need to target IE11 consider using a transpiler like babel.
I switched all the shaders to GLSL 300 es. I figured what’s the point of using WebGL2 if you’re not going to use WebGL2 shaders.
Vertex Array Objects are an optional feature in WebGL1, but they are a standard feature of WebGL2. I think they should be used everywhere. In fact I almost think I should go back to webglfundamentals.org and use them everywhere using a polyfill for those few places they are not available. There is arguably zero downside and your code gets easier and more efficient in almost all cases.
I tried to re-structure many samples slightly to show the most common patterns.
For example most apps generally set global WebGL state like blending, culling, and depth testing in their render loop since those settings often change several times whereas on webglfundamentals.org I set them at init time because they only needed to be set once, but that’s not a common pattern.
I set the viewport in all samples
I left this out in webglfundamentals.org because the samples don’t actually need it, but it’s needed in just about all real world code.
I removed jquery.
Back when I started, <input type="range">
was maybe still not commonly
supported, but now it’s supported everywhere.
I made all helper functions have a prefix
Code like
var program = createProgramFromScripts(...)
is now
I hope this makes it more clear what these functions are and where to find them.