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WebGL2 Attributes

This article is meant to try to give you a mental image of how attribute state is setup in WebGL. There is a similar article on texture units and on framebuffers.

As a prerequisite you probably want to read How WebGL Works and WebGL Shaders and GLSL.


In WebGL attributes are inputs to a vertex shader that get their data from buffers. WebGL will execute a user supplied vertex shader N times when either gl.drawArrays or gl.drawElements is called. For each iteration the attributes define how to pull the data out of the buffers bound to them and supply them to the attributes inside the vertex shader.

If they were implemented in JavaScript they would look something like this

// pseudo code
const gl = {
  arrayBuffer: null,
  vertexArray: {
    attributes: [
      { enable: ?, type: ?, size: ?, normalize: ?, stride: ?, offset: ?, buffer: ?, divisor: 0 },
      { enable: ?, type: ?, size: ?, normalize: ?, stride: ?, offset: ?, buffer: ?, divisor: 0 },
      { enable: ?, type: ?, size: ?, normalize: ?, stride: ?, offset: ?, buffer: ?, divisor: 0 },
      { enable: ?, type: ?, size: ?, normalize: ?, stride: ?, offset: ?, buffer: ?, divisor: 0 },
      { enable: ?, type: ?, size: ?, normalize: ?, stride: ?, offset: ?, buffer: ?, divisor: 0 },
      { enable: ?, type: ?, size: ?, normalize: ?, stride: ?, offset: ?, buffer: ?, divisor: 0 },
      { enable: ?, type: ?, size: ?, normalize: ?, stride: ?, offset: ?, buffer: ?, divisor: 0 },
      { enable: ?, type: ?, size: ?, normalize: ?, stride: ?, offset: ?, buffer: ?, divisor: 0 },
      { enable: ?, type: ?, size: ?, normalize: ?, stride: ?, offset: ?, buffer: ?, divisor: 0 },
      { enable: ?, type: ?, size: ?, normalize: ?, stride: ?, offset: ?, buffer: ?, divisor: 0 },
      { enable: ?, type: ?, size: ?, normalize: ?, stride: ?, offset: ?, buffer: ?, divisor: 0 },
      { enable: ?, type: ?, size: ?, normalize: ?, stride: ?, offset: ?, buffer: ?, divisor: 0 },
      { enable: ?, type: ?, size: ?, normalize: ?, stride: ?, offset: ?, buffer: ?, divisor: 0 },
      { enable: ?, type: ?, size: ?, normalize: ?, stride: ?, offset: ?, buffer: ?, divisor: 0 },
      { enable: ?, type: ?, size: ?, normalize: ?, stride: ?, offset: ?, buffer: ?, divisor: 0 },
      { enable: ?, type: ?, size: ?, normalize: ?, stride: ?, offset: ?, buffer: ?, divisor: 0 },
    elementArrayBuffer: null,

As you can see above there are 16 attributes.

When you call gl.enableVertexAttribArray(location) or gl.disableVertexAttribArray you can think of it like this

// pseudo code
gl.enableVertexAttribArray = function(location) {
  const attrib = gl.vertexArray.attributes[location];
  attrib.enable = true;

gl.disableVertexAttribArray = function(location) {
  const attrib = gl.vertexArray.attributes[location];
  attrib.enable = false;

In other words location directly refers to the index of an attribute.

Similarly gl.vertexAttribPointer is used to set almost all the rest of an attribute’s settings. It would be implemented something like this

// pseudo code
gl.vertexAttribPointer = function(location, size, type, normalize, stride, offset) {
  const attrib = gl.vertexArray.attributes[location];
  attrib.size = size;
  attrib.type = type;
  attrib.normalize = normalize;
  attrib.stride = stride ? stride : sizeof(type) * size;
  attrib.offset = offset;
  attrib.buffer = gl.arrayBuffer;  // !!!! <-----

Notice that when we call gl.vertexAttribPointer that attrib.buffer is set to whatever the current gl.arrayBuffer is set to. gl.arrayBuffer in the pseudo code above would be set by calling gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, someBuffer).

// pseudo code
gl.bindBuffer = function(target, buffer) {
  switch (target) {
    case ARRAY_BUFFER:
      gl.arrayBuffer = buffer;
      gl.vertexArray.elementArrayBuffer = buffer;

So, next up we have vertex shaders. In vertex shader you declare attributes. Example:

#version 300 es
in vec4 position;
in vec2 texcoord;
in vec3 normal;


void main() {

When you link a vertex shader with a fragment shader by calling gl.linkProgram(someProgram) WebGL (the driver/GPU/browser) decide on their own which index/location to use for each attribute. Unless you manually assign locations (see below) you have no idea which ones they’re going to pick. It’s up the browser/driver/GPU. So, you have to ask it which attribute did you use for position, texcoord, and normal?. You do this by calling gl.getAttribLocation

const positionLoc = gl.getAttribLocation(program, 'position');
const texcoordLoc = gl.getAttribLocation(program, 'texcoord');
const normalLoc = gl.getAttribLocation(program, 'normal');

Let’s say positionLoc = 5. That means when the vertex shader executes (when you call gl.drawArrays or gl.drawElements) the vertex shader expects you to have setup attribute 5 with the correct type, size, offset, stride, buffer etc.

Note that BEFORE you link the program you can choose the locations by calling gl.bindAttribLocation(program, location, nameOfAttribute). Example:

// Tell `gl.linkProgram` to assign `position` to use attribute #7
gl.bindAttribLocation(program, 7, 'position');

You can also tell which location to use in your shader directly if you’re using GLSL ES 3.00 shaders with

layout(location = 0) in vec4 position;
layout(location = 1) in vec2 texcoord;
layout(location = 2) in vec3 normal;


It feels like using bindAttribLocation is far more D.R.Y. but use whatever you like.

Full Attribute State

Missing from the description above is that each attribute also has a default value. It is left out above because it is uncommon to use it.

attributeValues: [
  [0, 0, 0, 1],
  [0, 0, 0, 1],
vertexArray: {
  attributes: [
   { enable: ?, type: ?, size: ?, normalize: ?, stride: ?, offset: ?, buffer: ?,
    divisor: 0, },
   { enable: ?, type: ?, size: ?, normalize: ?, stride: ?, offset: ?, buffer: ?,
    divisor: 0, },

You can set each attribute’s value with the various gl.vertexAttribXXX functions. The value is used when enable is false. When enable is true data for the attribute is pulled from the assigned buffer.

Vertex Array Objects (VAO)s

const vao = gl.createVertexArray();

creates the object you see attached to gl.vertexArray in the pseudo code above. Calling gl.bindVertexArray(vao) assigns your created vertex array object as the current vertex array.

// pseudo code
gl.bindVertexArray = function(vao) {
  gl.vertexArray = vao ? vao : defaultVAO;

This lets you set all of the attributes and the ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER in the current VAO so that when you want to draw a particular shape it’s one call to gl.bindVertexArray to effectively setup all attributes where as otherwise it would be up to one call to both gl.bindBuffer, gl.vertexAttribPointer (and possibly gl.enableVertexAttribArray) per attribute.

You can see it’s arguably a good thing to use vertex array objects. To use them though often requires more organization. For example let’s say you want to draw a cube with gl.TRIANGLES with one shader and then again with gl.LINES with a different shader. Let’s say when you draw with triangles you use normals for lighting so you declare attributes in your shader like this:

#version 300 es
// lighting-shader
// shader for cube drawn with triangles

in vec4 a_position;
in vec3 a_normal;

You then use those positions and normals like we covered in the first article on lighting

For the lines you don’t want lighting, you want a solid color so you do something similar to the first shaders on the first page of these tutorials. You declare a uniform for color. That means in your vertex shader you only need position

#version 300 es
// solid-shader
// shader for cube with lines

in vec4 a_position;

We have no idea what attribute locations will be decided for each shader. Let’s assume for lighting-shader above the locations are

a_position location = 1
a_normal location = 0

and for the solid-shader which only has one attribute it’s

a_position location = 0

It’s clear when switching shaders we’ll need to setup are attributes differently. One shader expects a_position’s data to appear on attribute 0. The other shader expects it to appear on attribute 1.

Resetting up the attributes is extra work. Worse, the entire point of using a vertex array object is to save us not having to do that work. To fix this issue we’d bind the locations before linking the shader programs.

We’d tell WebGL

gl.bindAttribLocation(solidProgram, 0, 'a_position');
gl.bindAttribLocation(lightingProgram, 0, 'a_position');
gl.bindAttribLocation(lightingProgram, 1, 'a_normal');

BEFORE calling gl.linkProgram. This tells WebGL which locations to assign when linking the shader. Now we can use the same VAO for both shaders.

Maximum Attributes

WebGL2 requires that at least 16 attributes are supported but a particular computer/browser/implementation/driver can support more. You can find out how many are supported by calling

const maxAttributes = gl.getParameter(gl.MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS);

If you decide to use more than 16 you probably want to check how many are actually supported and inform the user if their machine doesn’t have enough or else fallback to simpler shaders.

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