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WebGL2 Framebuffers

This article is meant to try to give you a mental image of what a framebuffer is in WebGL. Framebuffers come up as they allow you to render to a texture.

A Framebuffer is just a collection of attachments. That’s it! It is used to allow rendering to textures and renderbuffers.

You can think of a Framebuffer object like this

class Framebuffer {
  constructor() {
    this.attachments = new Map();  // attachments by attachment point
    this.drawBuffers = [gl.BACK, gl.NONE, gl.NONE, gl.NONE, ...];
    this.readBuffer = gl.BACK,

And the WebGL2RenderingContext (the gl object) like this

// pseudo code
gl = {
  drawFramebufferBinding: defaultFramebufferForCanvas,
  readFramebufferBinding: defaultFramebufferForCanvas,

There are 2 binding points. They are set like this

gl.bindFramebuffer(target, framebuffer) {
  framebuffer = framebuffer || defaultFramebufferForCanvas; // if null use canvas
  switch (target) {
    case: gl.DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER:
      this.drawFramebufferBinding = framebuffer;
    case: gl.READ_FRAMEBUFFER:
      this.readFramebufferBinding = framebuffer;
    case: gl.FRAMEBUFFER:
      this.drawFramebufferBinding = framebuffer;
      this.readFramebufferBinding = framebuffer;
      ... error ...

The DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER binding is used when drawing to a framebuffer via gl.clear, gl.draw???, or gl.blitFramebuffer. The READ_FRAMEBUFFER binding is used when reading from a framebuffer via gl.readPixels or gl.blitFramebuffer.

You can add attachments to a framebuffer via 3 functions, framebufferTexture2D, framebufferRenderbuffer, and framebufferTextureLayer.

We can imagine their implementation to be something like

// pseudo code
gl._getFramebufferByTarget(target) {
  switch (target) {
    case gl.FRAMEBUFFER:
      return this.drawFramebufferBinding;
      return this.readFramebufferBinding;
gl.framebufferTexture2D(target, attachmentPoint, texTarget, texture, mipLevel) {
  const framebuffer = this._getFramebufferByTarget(target);
  framebuffer.attachments.set(attachmentPoint, {
    texture, texTarget, mipLevel,
gl.framebufferTextureLayer(target, attachmentPoint, texture, mipLevel, layer) {
  const framebuffer = this._getFramebufferByTarget(target);
  framebuffer.attachments.set(attachmentPoint, {
    texture, texTarget, mipLevel, layer
gl.framebufferRenderbuffer(target, attachmentPoint, renderbufferTarget, renderbuffer) {
  const framebuffer = this._getFramebufferByTarget(target);
  framebuffer.attachments.set(attachmentPoint, {
    renderbufferTarget, renderbuffer

You can set the drawing buffer array with gl.drawBuffers which we can imagine is implemented like this

// pseudo code
gl.drawBuffers(drawBuffers) {
  const framebuffer = this._getFramebufferByTarget(gl.DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER);
  for (let i = 0; i < maxDrawBuffers; ++i) {
    framebuffer.drawBuffers[i] = i < drawBuffers.length
        ? drawBuffers[i]
        : gl.NONE

The drawBuffers array determines if a particular attachment is rendered to or not. The valid values are either gl.NONE which means don’t render to this attachment or, gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENTx where x is the same as the index of the attachment. One other value is gl.BACK which is only valid when null is bound to the current framebuffer in which case gl.BACK means ‘render to the backbuffer (the canvas)’

You can set the read buffer with gl.readBuffer

// pseudo code
gl.readBuffer(readBuffer) {
  const framebuffer = this._getFramebufferByTarget(gl.READ_FRAMEBUFFER);
  framebuffer.readBuffer = readBuffer;

The readBuffer sets which attachment is read when calling gl.readPixels.

The important part is a framebuffer is just a simple collection of attachments. The complications are the restrictions on what those attachments can be and the combinations that work. For example a floating point texture attachment can not be rendered to by default. Extensions can enable that like EXT_color_buffer_float. Similarly if there is more than one attachment they must all be the same dimensions.

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